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Jason Natas

ReVolution : 248
Match: Jason Natas vs. Lindsay Troy

ReVolution : 204
Seg: What's So Good About Goodbye?

Colossus : VI: Night Two
Seg: You want it? YOU GOT IT!
Match: Jay Phoenix vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 202
Seg: Enough
Seg: Crystal clear
Match: Hessian and Chainz vs Jason Natas and Jay Phoenix
Seg: A man of his word

ReVolution : 200: Power Play
Seg: Threats

ReVolution : 199
Interference: Jay Phoenix vs. David Noble
Seg: Predictable
Match: Jason Natas vs. Jason Snow

ReVolution : 197
Match: Jason Natas vs. David Noble
Seg: One on One (II)

ReVolution : 196
Seg: Full Circle

UltraViolence : 2009
Match: Jason Natas vs. Troy Douglas

ReVolution : 194
Seg: Four-Letter Words
Match: Wade Elliott and Jason Natas vs. Troy Douglas and King Blueberry

ReVolution : 193
Seg: Effing and blinding
Seg: When Pigs Fly
Match: Jonathan Rhine vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 192
Seg: Parlay
Seg: Pistols at Dawn

ReVolution : 191
Seg: Who invited YOU!?!
Seg: Talking to a Brick Wall
Match: Jason Natas vs. Meat
Seg: Over the Edge, Over Again

ReVolution : 190
Seg: On the Same Page. Wait...No. We're Reading Different Books
Match: Chandler Tsonda & Tyler Rayne Vs. Wade Elliott & Jason Natas

ReVolution : 188
Seg: In the presence of enemies
Match: Chandler Tsonda and Bryan Dawkins vs. Jason Natas and Hessian

King of Kings : 2008
Match: Merry Melee: Rudy Simpson vs. Fusenshoff vs. Ash vs. Clayton Byrd vs. Jason Natas vs. Jay Phoenix

ReVolution : 181
Match: Bryan Dawkins vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 180
Match: Jason Natas vs. Fusenshoff

ReVolution : 179
Seg: The Fight Not Worth Fighting
Seg: Mutual Disrespect
Seg: Cheers for the beers

ReVolution : 178
Seg: I, Douchebag
Seg: One Final Talk
Match: Dusk vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 177
Seg: He Still Kills the Old Way
Match: Second Chance Scramble: Rhett Locke vs. Jason Natas vs. Rudy Simpson vs. Darth Varga vs. Jesse Jamester

ReVolution : 176
Seg: Ain't Nothin' Pretty
Match: Jason Snow vs. Darth Varga vs. Jason Natas

Great American Nightmare : 2008
Match: Troy Douglas vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 173
Match: Rhett Locke vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 172
Interference: The Princes of New England vs. Xavier Kannon

ReVolution : 169
Seg: The Intricacies of Soda Machine Etiquette
Match: Jason Natas vs. Xavier Kannon

Colossus : Night One
Match: PosterBoy/DUI vs. Jason Natas/Mega Job
Seg: Down to Earth?

ReVolution : 168
Seg: To War

ReVolution : 167
Seg: Like Trading In A Used Car For a Rusty Radio Flyer Wagon...With Three Wheels...And A Broken Handle...And Hepatitis.

ReVolution : 166
Seg: It's Best Served Cold
Match: Jason Natas vs. Jimmy Bonafide
Seg: Jason Natas in "not getting into a fight" SHOCK!

ReVolution : 165: The Shooting Stars & Armbars Red, White, Black and Blue Independence Day SPECTACULAR
Seg: Behind Colossus: Jason Natas
Match: Troy Douglas (c) vs. Jason Natas (Intense Title Match)

ReVolution : 164
Seg: Lead Into Demise
Seg: In which Jason Natas and Jimmy Bonafide get all angry (AKA: Andy sucks at coming up with titles!)

ReVolution : 163 - RoloVolution
Seg: Ready to Strike
Match: Jason Natas & Jimmy Bonafide vs. Delta Upsilon Iota vs. Team V.I.A.G.R.A.

ReVolution : 162
Seg: Use Your Fist, Not Your Mouth
Seg: Territorial Pissings
Seg: So Motivational You Can Slap A Black Border Around It And Put A Funny Caption Underneath
Match: Dusk vs. Jason Natas
Seg: This Is PRIME. This Is Mother-Fucking 2008.

ReVolution : 161
Seg: The Tide Turns?
Match: Jason Natas & Torres Wilson vs. DUI
Seg: Curiosity Killed the Frat
Seg: Huntin' Season

UltraViolence : 2008
Seg: A Man of Few Words
Match: Jason Natas vs. Bryan Dawkins

ReVolution : 160
Seg: Skipping Over The Niceties
Match: Troy Douglas vs. Jason Natas

ReVolution : 159
Seg: Bryan Dawkins? Yeah, you'll be playing the part of "Jason Natas' Bitch" for the night
Seg: Who are you, and what have you done with my bitch?

ReVolution : 158
Match: Cozen, Tony Gamble & Jason Natas vs. Tyler Rayne, Chandler Tsonda & The Flyin' Hawaiian Bryan Dawkins

Match: Troy Douglas vs. Jason Natas
Seg: The Blind Leading the... Angry

ReVolution : 156
Seg: Uneasy Alliance
Match: Jason Natas & Simply Beautiful vs. Troy Douglas & Bryan Dawkins

ReVolution : 155
Seg: At Least You Know He'll Show Up
Match: Union Jack vs. Bryan Dawkins vs. Crucifix vs. Jason Natas

PRIME: Seven years of excellence! Live on HBO!