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High Flyer
Interview Library

Title: Hubris Syndrome
Date: Somedate
Location: Sometime

Date: Today
Location: The future

Date: Today?
Location: It's a letter, so... the post office? I dunno.

Title: (not so) Smooth Criminals
Date: April 15th, 2009
Location: A Bank in Los Angeles

Title: Excerpts from a Lunatic's Journal
Date: August 4th, 2001
Location: Some Paper Sheets in a Notepad

Title: Team VIAGRA Culture Shock Blog!
Date: February to March 09
Location: The Interweb, a Series of Tubes!

Title: A Primer on the Past of PRIME star High Flyer
Date: 2/18/09
Location: High Flyer's Basement - Whole Day

Title: The Dungeon!
Date: The Super Bowl onwards
Location: On your television screens, nightly! Commercial Programming from PRIME!

Title: U.S.S.S.S. & T.I.
Date: Previously Pre Recorded
Location: High Flyer's Living Room, and THE PAST(aka to a time when I SUCKED)

Title: The Team VIAGRA Christmas Special or Writing at Home During the Holidays is not Conductive to Writing
Date: 12/28/08
Location: A Sound Stage @ PRIME Headquarters

Title: DexTroMethOrPhan, aka, the Anti-Sickness Initiative
Date: 12-04-08
Location: Tony & Tammy Davis' house, sublet to Kate Young

Title: Hero : An Essay by Allocca Harmen
Date: November, 2008
Location: Calypso Elementary School, Bethlehem, PA

Title: Family Blood
Date: 10-30-08
Location: Various, Including Orlando, FL & Los Angeles, CA

Title: Team VIAGRA, the PILOT(FX Pitch, '09 Season: Working Pilot title, "Penis Envy")
Date: September, 2008
Location: Harmen's Bethlehem Household : and Las Vegas

Title: Team VIAGRA Presents : How Not To Travel In Time [pt1 - ACT 1]
Date: 2/12/08[written] 2/02/02[occured]
Location: The Present, the Past, but mostly Jack Harmen's Basement

Title: Team VIAGRA Presents : I Swear By My Innocence
Date: Jan 15th, 2008
Location: The Open Highways(Plus Editing Studio)

Title: A Real Job
Date: 1/08/08
Location: High Flyer's Home(Flashbacks to 99-03)

Title: Lord of the Manor, King of the Treetops
Date: Nov 13th, 2007
Location: Bethlehem, PA : New Residential Home of the Davis & Harmen family

PRIME: Seven years of excellence! Live on HBO!