MAIN EVENT:Killean Sirrajin vs. Tchu
Name: Roxy Phoenix
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145 lbs
Hometown: Sofia, Bulgaria
Alignment: Heel
Finisher: "Twisted Phoenix" (450 Splash)
April 10, 2012 - CHICAGO, IL
In the early hours of this morning, the ink was put to paper, finally making it official.
PRIME has been sold.
At approximately 8:15am (central) Prometheus, LLC relinquished ownership of PRIME and all its properties, bringing an end to their highly successful, but often tumultuous, run as the controlling entity of the federation. At the moment, little is known about the change in ownership, only that multiple parties were involved in the on-going discussions over the last week, and that full-control became effective immediately with the signing of contracts this morning in Chicago.
While there was no word on who the new owner of PRIME might be, it was announced that Blaine Blair and Lisa Tyler would be retained in some capacity, and Tyler was charged with issuing the first official word.
“It has been a long, but very exciting week. After many hours of negotiation, I am proud to announce that Prometheus, LLC has sold the rights to PRIME effective today, April 10th of 2012. In the following days more details of PRIME’s current status, as well as its future, will be released. For now, myself and Mr. Blair are anxious to sit down with new ownership and discuss all the possibilities at hand.”
While no one is sure exactly what to expect after PRIME’s six month hiatus, rumor is already spreading that the new owner/s of PRIME did not purchase the company with any intent to immediately cease operations.
One source has reported that several major US arenas and stadiums have already been contacted about potential available booking dates.
Though little concrete information is available, one thing is definite. For the first time in four years, PRIME is in a brand new set of hands.
Stay tuned for more details!